Kitchen Update

Current Kitchen

Our current kitchen

It's been almost two months since we started our kitchen project, so here’s an update.

We're washing our dishes in the bathroom sink, we're using our bedroom end table to prep our meals, our fridge is borderline in the living room. It's chaos, but it’s giving us a deep appreciation of the essential functions of a kitchen as we go through this renovation.

Everything was so neat on my sketches and floor plans. Now, reality has set into what all of this really means for the ultimate disruption of our everyday family life. But is anything ever NORMAL?

So far, we've refinished the floors, taken out all the cabinets, patched up the walls that got exposed, taken care of the electrical work, and painted where needed. The chaos has become normal, and we're getting super creative on where to store things. We have a snack box, a spice box, a condiment box, etc. We're living out of boxes.

Now, we're ready for the fun to begin - the installation of the kitchen cabinets and the island. I have dreams of it being done by Thanksgiving, but the reality is more likely to be a halfway done, almost-there version of things that can help with some kind of meal prep.

In all, everything is going great in the House of Herz right now, and I wouldn't do it any other way.


How I Assembled and Installed Our Ikea Kitchen Cabinets


Happy Halloween!